Our Kaupapa


Kia Tū Kahikatea

As successful applicants to the Te Puni Kōkiri Rangatahi Suicide Preventation kaupapa we have been running events.


Kia Hanga - Te whare hangahanga

A collaborative project with Tahetoka Limited utilising technologies to allow our Wairarapa whānau the ability to design, build and create warm, dry and actual affordable whare for our people.


Reconnecting wtih Nature through TOurs

Exploring narratives of creation, indigenous concepts of time, traditional navigation, and how we all connect to the universe with tours, run by whānau of the Wairarapa. Telling our story and being able to connect people to the whenua they stand on.


Kai Sovereignty - Pirinoa

The Community Awareness and Preparedness Grant Fund through Ministry of Social Development allowed us to look at creating our own community garden with adjoining chicken coop. This allowed our community to prepare for kai sovereignty during the COVID-19 lockdown.


Waka club

With the purchase of a Waka permanently hosted in South Wairarapa, this allows us to organise regular paddles on Wairarapa Moana and wānanga to train our rangatahi.