

Want to koha directly to Te Rua o Mahara WAIRARAPA?

You can donate directly to our bank account with the details below.

ASB Bank

Account Name: Te Rua o Mahara Wairarapa

Account Number: 12-3290-0057788-01

Reference: Koha and your name.

Please email us on if you do donate so we know who you are.


Returning our waka to Wairarapa Moana

We have a dream to establish a waka centre on the shores of Ōnoke (Lake Ferry) to bring our whānau back to our land and waters. The project was born out of a vision to reinstate waka to our ancestral waterways as a vehicle to revive the history, culture, and mauri of Wairarapa Moana. The kaupapa (project) is more than just competing, it’s building kaitaikitanga within our whānau as they connect with their moana both above and below the surface, exploring the reasons for and answers to poor water quality.

We have a full programme planned and plenty of expertise lined up to help with training. We'd like to thank our whānau who supported our rangatahi wānanga and Paascalino Schaller for capturing the essence of our vision.


Kia hanga - Te Whare hangahanga

Help Wairarapa whānau prototype building affordable healthy housing. The Kia Hanga pou is part of our Te Whare Hangahanga project. It is to establish a whare that would house a fabrication printer, called a CnC (computer numerical control) router/machine in Wairarapa. The machine is an automated controlled machine that uses a drill to print out materials such as metal, plastic, wood, ceramic or composite.

A Cnc Machine allows for the printing out of materials in an automated design. You can create with computer software a design and then the CnC Machine will print it out. The opportunities for our people with this type of technology is unlimited. With this technology we could print out our own housing and furniture. Projects like WikiHouse and OpenDesk provide open source templates for us to download, use and print out housing and furniture for us.